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BrainsWay’s Deep TMS is CE approved for Major Depressive Disorder as well as CE mark for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Smoking Cessation and more.

Broader and deeper

With a broader stimulation you always hit the right treatment location.  The total stimulated brain volume at 120% MT is 17cm3 for the H1- coil compared to just about 3 cm3 for the figure-8 coil.

Over 60 clinical trials

Deeper PFC structures have much more innervations with other important reward system sites such as the ventral tegmental area and the nucleus accumbens, compared to dorsal (superficial) PFC structures.


Brainsways non-invasive and effective* treatment activates deep brain structures by using directed electromagnetic fields that generate excitation or inhibition of neurons deep inside the brain.


Professor Abraham Zangen explain how Deep TMS is working.

The interaction of the prefrontal cortical signal induced by TMS with these subcortical regions is thought to contribute to its antidepressant effect.


Cortical folding, which is a hallmark of the human brain, may play a role in shaping the cortical response to TMS.


Deeper electric fields are better able to engage prefrontal circuitry, and may enhance the antidepressant effects of TMS.

Recent evidence suggests that the main activation by TMS may occur in sulci, which are situated deeper beneath the surface.

 Contact us

Tel: +46 708 187818


Deep TMS

BrainsWay’s Deep TMS technology is based on the H-Coil, which features a novel patented structure that maximizes electrical stimulation of deep brain regions